Night of the Demons(2009)Horror/Thriller
Firstly, the plot of this film slightly differs from the NIGHT OF THE DEMONS from 1987 that we all know and love. There are new elements introduced that explain the backstory of the possessed house where teens get turned into demons. But explaining evil is fruitless, it can't be done without sounding generic, and that's the way it sounds in this movie.
The writing, directing, and acting are all horrid. Edward Furlong looks and sounds like he is still on the same hard drugs that cost him his role in TERMINATOR 3. The others are no better, as the characters get on your nerves less than five minutes into the movie and things never improve from there.
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Host Server 9- StageVu VideoClick here to watch Movie
A group of kids go to a Halloween party, only to have to face down a group of demons.Firstly, the plot of this film slightly differs from the NIGHT OF THE DEMONS from 1987 that we all know and love. There are new elements introduced that explain the backstory of the possessed house where teens get turned into demons. But explaining evil is fruitless, it can't be done without sounding generic, and that's the way it sounds in this movie.
The writing, directing, and acting are all horrid. Edward Furlong looks and sounds like he is still on the same hard drugs that cost him his role in TERMINATOR 3. The others are no better, as the characters get on your nerves less than five minutes into the movie and things never improve from there.
Host Server 1- MegaVideo
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Host Server 2- Novamov VideoClick here to watch Movie
Host Server 3- MegaVideo
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Host Server 4- Novamov Video
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Host Server 5- MovShare Video
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Host Server 6- MegaVideo
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Host Server 7-XtShare VideoClick here to watch Movie
Host Server 8- MovShare VideoClick here to watch Movie
Host Server 9- StageVu VideoClick here to watch Movie
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